THOUGHT LEADERSHIP - Executive Leadership - Page 3

I write as a way to assist and advance those I cannot work with personally. I write about what it means to lead, communicate and coach well, and about the inner work required to do so.

August 30, 2022
FORBES: What Are You Focused On? How Your Thoughts Impact Your Future.

As published in Forbes We create the world as we are. In a very real sense, you create in the external world whatever you focus on internally. Thoughts of lack…

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July 21, 2022
AS PUBLISHED IN FORBES – Three Leadership Communication Fundamentals

We all can and need to be better communicators. Here are three communication fundamentals I teach executives and their teams: 1. I-Statements (3 minute read) 2. The Five Question worksheet (3…

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May 23, 2022
FORBES: 16 Ways C-Level Executives Can Enhance Their Decision-Making Skills

As Cited In Forbes One of the most challenging aspects of being in a C-level position is having to constantly make choices that impact your company’s success. Needing to make…

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December 11, 2021
PODCAST INTERVIEW: Talking HR with Lori and Lisa

Timely decisions in complex situations can be challenging. In this episode, we have been joined by Susanne Biro to explore leadership and decision-making, and how leaders can help their teams…

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October 22, 2021
CU Insight: Leaders, How Are You?

At this stage in your life, with everything occurring in the world and the vast implications to the global economy, your industry, and your business, few things get to be…

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October 1, 2021
The Real Work Required for Exceptional Leadership Communication

We often believe we must become something other than who we are in order to lead and communicate with power and presence. We do not. We need only to become…

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August 11, 2021
FORBES: 12 Ways Leaders Can Make Timely Calls On Complicated Decisions

As quoted on Forbes. Having a lot of big decisions to make all of the time is part of being a business leader. While some choices are simple and straightforward,…

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July 2, 2021
CU Insight: Leadership Insight

How do you define leadership? Do you think of great leaders you admire and strive to be like them? Do you feel in order to be a good leader you…

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May 14, 2021
Podcast Interview: Conscious Millionaire Network

My interview and conversation with the incredible JV Crum on the Conscious Millionaire Network, named by Inc Magazine as a Top 13 Business Podcast, reaching over 12 million people in…

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April 12, 2021
FORBES: Are You Focused on Your Outer Life or on Your Inner Life?

As published in Forbes You can focus on your outer life and you may or may not have a wonderful inner life. Or you can focus on your inner life…

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December 20, 2020
Wishing You Peace

During Christmas of 2008 I was seven months pregnant with my first child. That year, it snowed so much that my husband couldn’t get into the city on Christmas eve…

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December 3, 2020
FORBES: Leaders, Dreaming Matters

As published in Forbes. If I could impart one idea that would have the greatest potential to advance you and your future success, it would be this: Master the ability…

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Our world has changed, rapidly and in unexpected ways. As the crisis hit, I offered and held pro bono sessions with leaders from around the world. And I want to continue to do what I can to help. As a result, I now offer hourly sessions to ensure leaders everywhere can quickly get the perspective, clarity and focus they need to lead themselves, and therefore others, well during these challenging and uncertain times.

Three Options - Select and Book

Hi! Thank you for inquiring into my work.

Several times a year I share information that is highly relevant to advancing senior level leaders - personally, professionally and spiritually. If this holds interest for you, let’s keep in touch!

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