I write as a way to assist and advance those I cannot work with personally. I write about what it means to lead, communicate and coach well, and about the inner work required to do so.

September 3, 2020
CUInsight: Staying Sane In Crazy Times

As published in CUInsight as part of my US-firm Syntrina Leadership. Let’s put things into perspective: only months ago you were living one life, leading an organization, and making decisions…

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July 22, 2020
FORBES: How Has It Been ‘Inside’?

As published in Forbes. Living through a global pandemic has changed us. As we begin to re-enter, re-open and re-create a new normal, it’s a good time to ask yourself:…

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July 21, 2020
CU Management: “Is Anybody Out There?” The loneliness of leadership.

As published in CU Management by Pamela Mills-Senn As part of my US-firm Syntrina Leadership, I am delighted to have contributed to this important article on leadership loneliness. Connection and…

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May 5, 2020
CU MANAGEMENT – Your Inner Game, How’s It Going?

This past November I gave a keynote to 40 CEOs of some of the largest credit unions in the United States. The #1 and #2 “Best Places to work” in…

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April 10, 2020
FORBES: Between Stimulus and Response, Where Are You?

As featured in Forbes Your CFO resigns. A merger proceeds. A key leader is let go. You lose a major deal. Your direct report handles an important task poorly. A…

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April 6, 2020
WHAT TO FOCUS ON NOW: Your Own Development

I have been a home-office entrepreneur for over 19 years. Some years I did exceptionally well (annual income in the top 5%). Other years, there was little to no work…

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April 1, 2020

In times of crisis, we need to use simple, human language: “How are you? I know this is an uncertain and scary time.” We also need to provide clear information…

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March 25, 2020
FORBES: Joining the Executive Ranks? Begin With The End In Mind.

As featured in Forbes. Beginning a new executive role is exciting. It can also be daunting and overwhelming, with so many people to meet and things to think about, prepare,…

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March 19, 2020

It has been said that the feeling of being heard is so closely tied to the feeling of being loved that most of us can’t tell the difference. As an…

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January 28, 2020
FORBES – Become A Better Communicator: One Simple Change That Changes Everything

As published in Forbes.  Listen to others speak, and one of the first things you will notice is how often people use words like “we,” “you,” “one” or “they” when…

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January 25, 2020
CEO Magazine – Up Your Mental Game For Your Strongest Business Year Ever

This article first appeared in The CEO Magazine in 2019. It is more relevant than ever. When stress builds it becomes harder to relax and enjoy your downtime. It’s time…

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January 23, 2020
For Those Who Write (Or Aspire To)

My dear friend Dana Isaacson, senior editor and writer, formerly at Randon House in New York City, asked if I would write a short piece for Career Authors … this…

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Our world has changed, rapidly and in unexpected ways. As the crisis hit, I offered and held pro bono sessions with leaders from around the world. And I want to continue to do what I can to help. As a result, I now offer hourly sessions to ensure leaders everywhere can quickly get the perspective, clarity and focus they need to lead themselves, and therefore others, well during these challenging and uncertain times.

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This Could Be Everything: For Anyone Who Wants to Make Their Tomorrow Better Than Today is available.

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